Mixture Density Networks: Probabilistic Regression for Uncertainty Estimation

Uncertainty is all around us. It is present in every decision we make, every action we take. And this is especially true in business decisions where we plan for the future. But in spite of that, all of our predictive models that we use in business ignore uncertainty. Suppose you are the manager of the … Continue reading Mixture Density Networks: Probabilistic Regression for Uncertainty Estimation

Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles(NODE) – A State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Algorithm for Tabular Data

Deep Learning brought about revolutions in many machine learning problems from the field of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, etc. But tabular data still remains firmly under classical machine learning algorithms, namely the gradient boosting algorithms(I have a whole series on different Gradient Boosting algorithms, if you are interested). Intuitively, this is strange, … Continue reading Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles(NODE) – A State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Algorithm for Tabular Data

PyTorch Tabular – A Framework for Deep Learning for Tabular Data

It is common knowledge that Gradient Boosting models, more often than not, kick the asses of every other machine learning models when it comes to Tabular Data. I have written extensively about Gradient Boosting, the theory behind and covered the different implementations like XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, NGBoost etc. in detail. The unreasonable effectiveness of Deep … Continue reading PyTorch Tabular – A Framework for Deep Learning for Tabular Data